Large Detail Packages
Additional rates may apply if average time is exceeded.
ALPHA/Full Detail
Starting at $320
Average Time: 4 Hrs
Bravo/Charlie combo, PLUS:
Engine bay: degrease, pressure wash, and dress compartment.
Deep clean door jambs.
BRAVO/Interior Detail
Starting at $240
Average Time: 3 Hrs
Quick-wipe door jambs.
Deep-clean vacuum (multiple passes)
Scour leather seats (if required).
Crevice & vent blowout/sanitize.
Interior wipe down/sanitize and deep clean.
Dressing of all interior vinyl/plastics.
Carpet/upholstery: stain removal/extraction.
Leather conditioning (if required).
Clean interior & exterior windows/mirrors.
Odor neutralizer (Biozyme).
CHARLIE/Exterior Detail
Starting at $160
Average Time: 2 Hrs
Hand/pressure wash. (Bug/Tar removal.)
Pressure wash/hand scrub wheels, tires, and wheel wells.
Clay bar (as needed).
Microfiber and/or chamois dry.
Cut and Buff (minor paint corrections).
Protectant application/Polish exterior.
Dress exterior plastics.​
Tire shine.
Clean exterior windows/mirrors.
Maintenance Detail Packages
The Delta/Mini Full and Echo/Mini Interior details require completion of an ALPHA/Full or BRAVO/Interior detail in the previous six months.
DELTA/Mini Full Detail*
Starting at $110
Average Time: 1 Hr 24 Min
Hand/pressure wash. (Bug/Tar removal.)
Pressure wash/hand scrub wheels, tires, and wheel wells.
Microfiber and/or chamois dry.
Quick-wipe door jambs.
Surface vacuum (one pass).
Interior wipe down/sanitize.
Light vent blowout/sanitize.
Dressing of high-touch surfaces.
Odor neutralizer (Biozyme).
Clean interior & exterior windows/mirrors.
Protectant spray wax.
Dress exterior plastics.
Tire shine.
*Available to previous clients only.
ECHO/Mini Interior Detail*
Starting at $90
Average Time: 1 Hr 9 Min
Quick-wipe door jambs.
Surface vacuum (one pass).
Light vent blowout/sanitize.
Interior wipe down/sanitize.
Dressing of high-touch surfaces.
Clean interior & exterior windows/mirrors.
Odor neutralizer (Biozyme).
*Available to previous clients only.
FOXTROT/Mini Exterior Detail
Average Time: 39 Min
Hand/pressure wash. (Bug/Tar removal.)
Pressure wash/hand scrub wheels, tires, and wheel wells.
Microfiber and/or chamois dry.
Protectant spray wax.
Dress exterior plastics.
Tire shine.
Clean exterior windows/mirrors.
Wintertime Service: For exterior wash/wax, temperatures
≥ 40° are more ideal for a successful detail.